Sunday, August 28, 2005

Venezuela’s Chavez Says Pat Robertson Expresses Wishes of U.S. Elite

Pat Robertson, one of America's mule fucking televangelists, outed the wishes of the scum in the US recently. President Chavez continues to laugh at the bumbling fools of the American regime, as do I, and continues to put forth his policies in Venezuela with great success.

The scum in America continue to refer to President Chavez as a dictator but, they must remember that President Chavez was ELECTED!! And he was elected with over 80% support!! Not a bad success when we look at the American elections where we have a twice appointed fool who, is a coward, has failed at every turn (failed at everything he has done in his life), and continues to ignore his failed policies throughout the world.

Rock On, President Chavez!!

Saturday, Aug 27, 2005

By: Bernardo Delgado -

Venezuela's President Chavez in his first extended comments about Pat Robertson's call for his assassination.

Caracas, Venezuela, August 27, 2005—Venezuela’s President Chavez, in his first extended response to Reverend Pat Robertson’s call for Chavez’s assassination, said that Robertson expresses “the desire of the elite that governs the U.S.” Chavez added that this was nothing new because there is plenty of evidence that the U.S. supported plots for his assassination.

Chavez made the remarks during a ceremony in which the government paid its debt of back pay and retirement benefits to university employees that had accumulated during the years 1999 to 2001.

Artcle here>>

Those who care about the Venezuelean democracy should prepare to aid in the defense of Venezuela in the event President Chavez is murdered by the so-called 'pro-life' scum.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Liberal Phoenix

“Six Feet Under” makes another stab at Bush…FCC sweats out last episode

Here is a small excerpt from this article:

The Fox News Network, despite exit polls showing Al Gore had taken Florida, somehow knew through Devine intervention that Bush was the winner. This seemed odd to me, and also the millions of others who had voted for Gore. Finally, the GOP had successfully taken what was once deemed the “Liberal Media” and turned it into the RNN or Republican News Network. But it didn’t end there. For those who refused to buy-in and conform were systematically burned at the stake by the FCC. Is it any coincidence that CBS (the last liberal outlet) is the subject of constant fines by the FCC? Does everybody remember Dan Rather? Or to a lesser extent Howard Stern…a man who once supported Bush, but was levied harsh fines just days after telling his audience not to vote Republican in the upcoming election?

Ray has a great blog over sure to stop by.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Crawford Memorial Destroyed by Scum

Hypocrisy reigns on the right. These cowardly scum blantantly claim to support the troops but, a memorial in their honor is to much for these scum to bear.

Michelle Malkin's internment camps are sounding better by the day....we would have a place to corral the right-wing scum and let them kill each other off.....

Here are some pics of the ruined memorial:
Ruined Memorial

Here is the name, address and business of the scum who did this:

Northern Realtors
Full Service Real Estate Sales. Buyers Representation is Available. Relocation Sales and Buying.

For more information contact:

Northern, Realtors
Larry Northern
303 Crossroads West
Waco, Texas 76712
254-751-0449 fax

Saturday, August 13, 2005

New Podcast at Radio News America

Not in Our Name - 8-13-05 - Host Lisa Knappe

A special podcast of protest and peace songs dedicated to Cindy Sheehan, featuring Us, Tom Petty, Tracy Chapman, Elvis Costello, The Thomas Connor Band, Cat Stevens and much more.

You need to keep up on this situation folks....As Lisa said: "so last night, the freepers were screaming at cindy in her face with their stupid "support the troops" shirts on.. and not one of them realized the 4 men sitting with her were active duty soldiers on leave."

We are dealing with extremely ignorant ignorant, in fact, the top military brass, it has been said, have been discussing a coup. We are in a fragile state.....

Note: I have been working long hours and will post and answer all your posts at a later date.....Rock on fellow Libs!!