Sunday, January 30, 2005

A Father's View on Womens' Right to Choose.

I, personally, try to avoid the debate on abortion rights but now, I think it is necessary that I chime in this one time to give my perspective. I have always been a pro-choice proponent but, there was a time in my life I had to fight against it. I felt it was my right and obligation to do so. Afterall, I am the father.

I am a father. A single father. My daughter is 8 years-old and she is the apple of my eye. Nothing in the universe is more important to me than my daughter. This is the basis of my life; raising my daughter in a liberal atmosphere, with liberal trust and liberal values. Strict routine is important, too. My adamant approach to a superior education is one of my top priorities.

The time with my daughter's mother was a rocky one, I admit. When she became pregnant I felt an urgency to smooth things over to make this time in her life easier. It didn't work. I worked too much, was away from home too much, etc., etc.. At about the sixth month of pregnancy my daughter's mother informed me of her intent to abort. I would have none of it.

At six months I felt that too much time had elapsed and that my rights as a father should be intact afterall, this was not a six day-old fetus. I hired a lawyer and immediately obtained an injunction to keep mother from obtaining an abortion. Little did I know, my daughter would be born 6 weeks premature but, not until after I had created a significant legal wave in the fathers rights movement. Although I didn't set a precedent I did, however, impress upon a district court judge that fathers have rights also at some time in a pregnancy if he so desires. The judge thanked me for the insight I had on this subject and promised to take any matters concerning fathers into a broader legal realm.

So, what is my point? I read an opinion piece by a pro-choice mother that inspired me to brainstorm my opinion. I agree with her opinion but, at some point in an unborn child's life I believe the rights of the father must be considered. Biology determines which of us are male and female and from the biological standpoint women carry the developing fetus. In my case, the abortion was being used as a threat and a way of causing me extreme psychological pain. I proved that. I also proved a revenge mentality of the mother that sealed the success of my case.

I will always be pro-choice but not pro-abortion. This ideology is common to most, if not all, of the free-thinkers on the left. I would never interfere with the right to choose but, I will defend my rights as a father. Afterall, can't I at some point during gestation claim an obligation to the unborn child? Afterall, I am half the reason it exists.

I am the father.

Employees Say No to Propaganda

It looks as if the Bush Crime Family is trying to do what it can to drain the Social Security Trust Fund. Not only do the criminals want to privitize it, at a cost of 1.5-2 trillion dollars, they are now using funds to spread their false propaganda.

The push for privitization by this regime is only too obvious. Obvious, that is, if you can read and write. The privitization scam is nothing other than attempt to fatten the wallets of the Wall Street fat cats; and they know it.

The regime has also wasted money on spreading their propaganda via the "Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement". This regime are experts at wasting money on failed economic issues, illegal wars, and corporate handouts.

But......the wheels are coming of their terror bus.

Date : Friday - January 28, 2005

WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, officers of the National Social Security Council, which represents workers of the Social Security Administration (SSA), testified before the Democratic Senate Policy Committee regarding reports in the media that employees have been instructed to hype negative projections for Social Security and to promote privatizing Social Security. More>>>

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Loveland, Colorado Walmart Workers can Vote for Union

Good news from the homefront. Wal-Mart must allow a union election for the Tire and Lube workers at the Loveland, Colorado store. Of course Walmart is going to appeal but, hopefully the NLRB will throw it out based on the same appeal tactic in their Pennsylvania store.

Walmart's little advertising campaign has seemed to hurt them more than it did them any good. The inquiries by Walmart employees and union membership in Colorado have increased significantly. Workers are calling unions to report that, the ads were misleading and false.

As if I didn't know that already.

Class Act by a Classless Fool

The idiocy continues by the squatters in Washington. This time it was at Auschwitz.
Only fools could associate these people, cheney and the gang, with the term, "leaders".

Friday, January 28, 2005

There is no Crisis

I have added another important link to the blog called THERE IS NO CRISIS.

This is an excellent site that defends the importance of Social Security and discusses the fraud of the Bush regime.

Pick up a button at their site and they will add you to the blogroll!!

There Is No Crisis: Protecting the Integrity of Social Security

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Bailed Out Once Again

A funny photo of the resident being bailed out by daddy and a corporate pal.
What a disgrace this idiot is on America.

Unions Sue Homeland Security for Workers Rights

Finally, we are beginning to see some action by organized labor in defending the rights of American workers. We know that the illegitimate regime that is squatting in Washington has no use for the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights but, we do know that the Supreme Court does in most cases (unless it has something to do with selecting a White House resident).

As Americans we have the right to freely join and endorse union representation without fear of retribution. But, the anti-union cult that has occupied our government immediately waged a war on workers after they attacked the World Trade Center(WTC)...oops, I meant the terrorist attack on the WTC. They made it their law that after the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) was formed that no union could be part of that department. They made many claims as to why it must be that way, most notably, that union bargaining would interfere with the operation of the DHS.

The reality is, is that this was one of the first of many attacks on organized labor by this criminal enterprise. The only difference is that, it did not involve the corporate pals of this gang, at least directly.

The Bush Crime Family is attempting to instill upon Americans who are employed by their regime a separate set of rules that circumvent the rule of America's democracy...a democracy that is almost deceased under this criminal enterprise, I might add. No one should have to give up their legal rights, in order, to feed, shelter or clothe their family. But, this is viewed as a hindrance by this criminal regime.

The lawsuit filed by the National Treasury Employees Union(NTEU) could set a precedent for another right-wing attack at the state level. Recently, the republican governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels, canceled all bargaining contracts with 25,000 State workers under the guise that would hinder his budget overhaul. His republican overhaul will only mean higher taxes and more unemployed people....a typical republican economy. Even before Daniels attempts to overhaul the budget he has set it back, dollar wise, due to the legal expenses that he will utilize to defend his illegal order.

In Montana, the Democratic Governor, Brian Schweitzer, negotiated pay raises with 2 state unions, which ratified the contracts but, the republicans have stalled the enactment of the raises because they lost...they weren't involved. Now the state unions are threatening to strike for their raises due to the republican crybabies. These whiners on the right are essentially keeping working people from enjoying a better standard of living by stalling the workers' wage increases.

It is clear to see, for those who look, that the republican, right-wing or conservative has no interest in the backbone of America. The backbone that keeps America moving along...the American worker.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

UPDATE!! Mine Benefit Legislation Back in Congress

Over at ResistOppression there is some encouraging news about the miners benefits being restored and protected from bankruptcy rulings. I'll cross-post it here.

Assets formerly owned by Horizon Natural Resources--including Zeigler No. 11 mine at Coulterville--are up for sale again.

At the same time, Congressmen Jerry Costello (D-IL) and Nick Rahall (D-WV) introduced legislation today to re-affirm the government's commitment to health care coverage for miners.

"What we are trying to do is make certain that the federal government is committed to protecting these miners from bankruptcy situations like what happened with Horizon," Costello said Tuesday, referring to a federal court's decision last year allowing Horizon to nullify its union contracts--including health care coverage--when it went on the auction block early last fall. (MORE >>>)

To show your support for legislation that Keep's the Promise To the Coal Miners Click Here
and to show your support of Reforming Bankruptcy Laws Click Here

We should all show our support for the miners, for they are the pioneers of the Labor movement. No single group of working people have endured the fight longer than they have and for that, we owe them the utmost respect. Help us help them!!

Regression: The Republican Mandate

The new Colorado State legislature is set to hammer out Colorado's economic problems; a Democratic legislature that was called in by voters to fix the republican mess that took 40 years to achieve. Already, the republicans are defining their ignorance and partisanship as a payback for being the losers of the 2004 elections.

The Democrats budget is being endorsed by 2 republicans but, the Governor is questioning whether or not it limits government growth. Government growth limits? Come on Mr. Bill, you are the lamest duck in the country and you want to question solutions to your catastrophic economy? By the way Mr. Bill, how are the families??

The republicans also introduced a gun show loophole bill. I am against any action to undermine the Second Amendment but, this bill will, hopefully, be laughed out of the legislature. The bill does fall into the violence that is so adored by the republican party.

With all the economic problems and the liars in the Bush regime who spew these lies we have another diversion from, I am ashamed to say, Colorado Senator Wayne Allard: The Federal Marriage Amendment(FMA). Again, violence, hate and discrimination are values close to the republican heart. They thrive on it, they nurture it and they grow it. How long before they blatantly endorse racism? Oh wait...they have already started!! But in their traditional hypocritical manner the republicans use the fight over Condoleeza Rice as a way to shift the race card to the Democrats. Nice try, but it won't work.

How do we define the regressive agenda of the republicans and neo-conservatives to the brain-dead Americans who follow these liars? Do we have to wait until we enter a full blown depression? This war on America by these regressives is no longer a social or fiscal issue; it is a survival issue. By survival I mean the survival of America and the restoration of Democracy. Keeping the resistance and pressure alive is having some effect but, not on the isolated chickens hawks who demand a signed oath, in order, to voice an opinion.

Our country is being defined and disgraced by the right-wing and, we have to stop it.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Corporate Crooks and the People They Employ.

Imagine a society ruled by the corporate elite. Labor unions are illegal or non-existent and, as a worker, your working conditions are dictated by a corporate thug. You are at the mercy of someone who has never been in your position and has no respect or understanding of it. You are compensated wages that were based on the mood of the corporate thug after, your rent for your corporately owned house was paid and, your tab at the corporate store was paid. You would like to complain but, there is no one who will listen.

A situation like this has happened in America within the last 100 years. It seems that this could be a future scenario in America if the labor movement is not revitalized to it's full extent. Corporations, and the government they have bought, are assaulting America's workers with full force and, if not to make matters worse, using workers' money to settle debts and pad the wallets of corporate fat cats. Pension money is being stolen by corporations through the federal bankruptcy court system. Workers are losing retirement money, as well as, guaranteed benefits that were part of their retirements. People are having to return to the work force at ages of up to 70 years after, losing what they had worked and planned for, for years. Yet, the supporters of these corporations and the government prefer to live with the status quo, rather than, question the future of these practices.

Pensions, some valued in the billions of dollars, are used by corporations and their executives as personal funds to gamble in the stock market. In the current market coupled with a failing economy and a falling dollar, the benefit to these benefit and pension funds is minimal, if not, destructive. More accountability by the corporations and their executives needs to be put in place so that a more stringent system can implemented to stop the loss of workers money through the actions of greedy corporations and their executives.

Right now, labor unions and the AFL-CIO are considering ways to become a more formidable force with respect to worker's rights. In February the top labor leaders, through the cooperation of their members, will vote on the best way to counter the right-wing assault on America's working people...the people that are the backbone of America's greatness. Please support them.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Pension Trouble

Americans who have worked all their lives and relied on pension plans, paid into them and made them grow are now watching as they disappear under federal guidelines. Pensions are being cut in half by Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) due to an assault on retirees by Corporate America. If corporations follow United Airlines the PBGC will be indebted by more than $600 billion dollars. They have the power to distribute only a portion of a guaranteed pension that results in retirees losing healthcare and having to return to work.

Corporations and their executives should not be allowed to gamble in the stock market with pensioner's money. If they do, they should not be allowed to file bankruptcy and the CEO's of these corporations wage and benefit package should be cut to the average employee pension and the remaining part of the package should be paid into a fund to increase the pensioner's income.

But, in a republican world that makes too much sense.

Story Here>>>

Liberal Patriots Web Button

Right properties and get the code....pretty simple...and thanks for linking us!!

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Thursday, January 20, 2005

America's New Flag

The take over of America is almost complete. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are all that are in the way of the fascists.

Resistance forever!!

Image Hosted by

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Massey Energy Company CEO: D. L. Blankenship

Massey Energy Company recently bought Horizon Natural Resources after Horizon filed for bankruptcy on August 31, 2004. Horizon was allowed to void itself of all union contracts, pensions and healthcare payments to it's current employees and worse yet, it's retirees. The retirees are now without pension plans and healthcare that were part of their retirement packages.

In comes Massey Energy company which buys up Horizon and then refuses to re-hire the employees who had worked for Horizon because of union affiliation. But, the purpose of this post is to look at the CEO and President of Massey Energy Company Donald L. Blankenship's wage and benefit package. In doing this, attention will be directed to what the top brass of these companies are doing to the working class in America. Also, the wage and benefit packages of these executives need more scrutiny by federal bankruptcy judges when a company files for bankruptcy as a means of reducing overhead costs and paying debts of a company in financial trouble.

Donald Blankenship CEO and President of Massey Energy company.

D. L. Blankenship
Chairman CEO and President
Massey Energy Company

In 2002, D. L. Blankenship raked in $9,387,522 in total compensation including stock option grants from Massey Energy Company.

From previous years' stock option grants, the Massey Energy Company executive cashed out $2,832,180 in stock option exercises.

And D. L. Blankenship has another $225,500 in unexercised stock options from previous years.

How many workers could be supported by D. L. Blankenship's $9,387,522 pay package?

9 Nobel prize winners
28 average university presidents
23 U.S. presidents
41 AFL-CIO presidents
86 Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
367 average workers
876 minimum-wage earners

How long would it take to equal D. L. Blankenship's total compensation for 2002?

A Nobel prize winner would have to work until 2012 A.D.
An average university president would have to work until 2031 A.D.
The President of the United States would have to work until 2026 A.D.
AFL-CIO President John Sweeney would have to work until 2044 A.D.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would have to work until 2089 A.D.
An average worker would have to work until 2370 A.D.
A minimum-wage earner would have to work until 2879 A.D.

2002 Compensation
Salary $1,000,000
Bonus $350,000
Long-Term Incentive Payoffs $0
Restricted Stock Awards $2,427,167
Other Compensation $176,553
Value of Stock Option Grants* $5,433,802
Total 2002 Compensation Plus Stock Option Grants $9,387,522

Compensation from Prior Stock Option Grants**
Value of Options Exercised in 2002 $2,832,180
Value of Exercisable Options $0
Value of Unexercisable Options $225,500
* Black Scholes present value model as reported in the company's proxy statement.
** Not counted in 2002 compensation totals.
Source: eComp Database -

CEO-to-Worker Comparisons
Annual Weekly Daily Hourly Per Minute
D. L. Blankenship $9,387,522 $180,529 $36,105 $4,513 $75
Minimum-Wage Worker $10,712 $206 $41 $5.15 $0.09
Average Worker $25,501 $490 $98 $12.26 $0.20
President of the U.S.A. $400,000 $7,692 $1,538 $192 $3.21

How Many Years to Equal D. L. Blankenship's 2002 Compensation?
Minimum-Wage Worker 876 years Completion Date 2879 A.D.
Average Worker 368 years Completion Date 2371 A.D.
President of the U.S.A. 46 years Completion Date 2049 A.D.

How Many Workers Equal D. L. Blankenship's Compensation?
Minimum-Wage Worker 876 workers
Average Worker 368 workers
President of the U.S.A. 46 presidents

In 2002, D. L. Blankenship bagged $9,387,522 at Massey Energy Company. Here's what D. L. Blankenship could buy if he went on a shopping spree...

* Health insurance for 4,559 uninsured workers.

* Day care for one year for 2,311 working mothers.

* 357 average workers could upgrade their part-time
jobs with no benefits to full-time jobs with benefits.

* 8,205 workers could be enrolled in pension plans.

It is unnecessary for one individual to make this type of an income when we have a failing economy, unemployment at almost 10% and workers losing healthcare and pension plans on a daily basis. In order to get something done we need to support bills that will be presented in the US Legislature and you can do that by signing the petition of support for those bills here.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Wal-Mart Workers to Vote for Union.

Workers in the Tire & Lube Express department of a New Castle, Pennsylvania Wal-Mart are getting to vote on whether or not they want union representation. After nearly 5 years of challenges by Wal-Mart, the NLRB has ruled that the workers can vote as a separate group, a group not associated with clerks and cashiers in the retail section.

This ruling is good news for workers in Pennsylvania, as well as, the same department in Loveland, Colorado who recently filed for union representation. The Loveland workers are now suffering from the same illegal acts, by Wal-Mart, as their Pennsylvania counterparts had endured. Wal-Mart officials have no regard for labor law and, at times, it becomes to much to bear for workers who ultimately quit or side with the company. Ultimately, Wal-Mart will lose the case and all affected employees can get back pay and their jobs reinstated if, they have been wronfully terminated or quit under duress.

A problem exists for these employees, though. Wal-Mart, when faced with organized workers, will usually close a department that organizes with a union. When meatcutters in Jacksonville, Texas voted for union representation Wal-Mart suddenly announced it would change to pre-packaged, case ready meat in all of it's stores. All these employees had an offer by Wal-Mart to change to different positions but, they worried about changes in pay scales and working hours. All these shenanigans by Wal-Mart, after purchasing thousands of dollars worth of meat-cutting equipment, were actually an anti-union move.

What exists for unions and Wal-Mart's opposition is to organize entire stores, in order, to shut them down. This tactic will eventually succeed in this sagging economy and, workers will turn to unions as a means of protection on the job and for benefits that other retail stores such as Costco already offer employees. Another positive point of Wal-Mart closures is the increase in small business, that previously were affected by this corporation, a growth in the tax base of the community along with the reduction in tax subsidies that come with this big box retailer.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Social Security Resolution

I wish to thank Captain Har for the permission to publish this resolution here. I also wish to thank the Trenton, New Jersey East Ward Democratic Club for drafting this resolution and I hope that it's principles carry onward to other such organizations.

The Voice of Democracy in Trenton’s East Ward

Resolution on Social Security

Whereas, the Social Security system guarantees to all Americans a safe and secure base pension for retirement, which many Americans supplement with a variety of pensions and investment income, as well as disability and death benefits; and

Whereas, all Americans need the rock-solid assurance of a stable base pension, which Social Security uniquely guarantees, and many Americans have neither the time nor the investment expertise to gamble on riskier strategies; and

Whereas, the Social Security system has virtually eliminated poverty among America’s elderly, and its progressive character provides working Americans of median incomes and below with better benefits and far more security than they could expect from private systems—which is one reason that many of the privileged have opposed Social Security since Franklin Roosevelt’s day; and

Whereas, the Federal government currently provides large tax subsidies for private pensions, individual retirement accounts, 401(k) plans, and the like, for the many Americans who wish to avail themselves of such options on top of the Social Security cornerstone; and

Whereas, Social Security’s financing was “pay-as-you-go” until the Reagan administration, when a steep hike in Social Security payroll taxes was imposed to create a “trust fund” of national savings for Social Security; and

Whereas, the savings stored up in the trust fund have generated major surpluses that have been invested in U.S. Treasury bills, historically the most secure investment; and

Whereas, Americans’ savings in the Social Security trust fund will assure them full payment of their benefits at least through the middle of this century—or, with improved economic growth, through its end—and any shortfall in mid-century would be slight and easily covered by financing adjustments; and

Recognizing that President Bush and his backers, whose reckless fiscal mismanagement has created staggering deficits in the regular federal budget that will take generations to pay off, have zero credibility in pretending they feel urgent concern about a possible tiny shortfall in the Social Security trust fund a half century from now; and

Concluding that the Bush Administration’s drive to privatize Social Security -- diverting Social Security payroll taxes into private investment accounts, which risk leaving many “beneficiaries” with nothing, and cutting benefit levels for countless current workers – has nothing to do with fiscal solvency and is simply an ideologically fundamentalist crusade by Bush conservatives;

Therefore, the East Ward Democratic Club of Trenton:

1. Vigorously opposes any revision to the Social Security law that tampers with its character as a safe and secure cornerstone of all Americans’ retirement;

2. Exhorts the Bush administration and Congress to devote themselves to getting the federal budget back in balance before it starts experimenting with risky schemes for Americans’ long-term retirement future;

3. Calls on New Jersey’s two United States senators, Jon Corzine and Frank Lautenberg, the two United States representatives whose districts include Trenton, Christopher Smith and Rush Holt, and the rest of the New Jersey congressional delegation, to reject any privatization of Social Security or benefit reductions whatsoever;

4. Urges the New Jersey Legislature and the Mercer County Board of Freeholders to adopt resolutions opposing any privatization or benefit reductions in the Social Security system; and

5. Directs the officers of the Club to provide copies of this resolution to the congressional delegation, members of the Legislature from Mercer County and the president of the Board of Freeholders, to senior-citizen organizations in the Trenton area, and to area news media.

Adopted, 10 January 2005

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Police Harrass Miner Meetings

Miners, coal miners in general, have been putting up one hell of a fight against the loss of pension money to their members and retirees. Now, the police have been getting involved. It seems that the police in West Virginia are being dispatched whenever the miner's Union has a meeting. Read about this at Resist Oppression.

All of us need to sign the petition to save our pensions from bankruptcy filings by greedy corporations. Do that here.

Rush Limbaugh Gets the Boot in Vermont.

WKVT-AM 1490 in Brattleboro, Vermont is giving Limbaugh and 3 of his cohorts the boot and making way for Air America Radio. The program director finally realized that, in a heavily populated Democratic area, the spinmeisters of the right-wing are not good investments.

The right-wing pundits like Limbaugh use compelling spin and fiction to advance the agenda of the corrupt right and republican party. They are so well liked by the righties because, they tell the righties how to think, what to say and who to vote for. Like the mind mesmerizing speeches of Adolph Hitler, the right-wing pundits preach to their own choir. Very few leftists can stomach the garbage so in a highly populated Decmocratic area it only makes sense to get rid of the trash and start with something that is refreshing and truthful. That is what makes Air America different from all the right-wing Clear Channel endorsed pundits from the right; they make it a point to get out the truth.

A congratulations to Brattleboro, Vermont for their insistence on truth in reporting and their new Air America programming. You will enjoy it. More here>>>

Monday, January 10, 2005

The Bush Overtime Scam

The attack on the 40 hour week is gearing up again in the Bush regime. The 40 hour week, a democratic ideal, is under attack by a selected resident who, has never worked a 40 hour week in his life, much less, made an honest dollar.

Underscoring the the work and business history of Bush, one finds failure. Thanks to his father's rich corporate pals, little Bush always seemed to be bailed out in the nick of time. What is most disturbing, though, is this person seems to want to dictate law and rules in an area he has no experience. Is he bent on seeing the American working family fail as he did? Is this some sort of retribution for the successes of the working men and women in America? One can only wonder as this resident bumbles his way through territory he does not understand.

The new rule would be that, overtime be paid after a two-week, 80-hour interval. Well guess what?? That means, Wal-Mart or some other despicable employer could demand you work 5 ten hour days the first week and then only allow you to work 30 hours the next week with no overtime pay. There would be no set schedule, you would have difficulty planning ahead for family activities, you would be a part-time parent. All of these rules violate the Fair Labor Standards Act, an Act that evenly distributes work hours and prohibits excessive work hours without premium pay.

And, of course, we can easily tie this attack on over-time pay to Bush's corporate pals. He is, in essence, setting the stage for workplace abuse and no means for employees to opt-out of the mandatory conditions put in place by this scam.

Employers have always had flexible options but, have rarely authorized their use. Without incentive I, personally, predict that the forced overtime will eventually cost corporations more due to lack of productivity and low morale.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Newt in '08

With all the talk of morals and values by republicans it seems, and is, hypocritical that one of the sleaziest of the republicans would flirt with the idea of a presidential run. You have probably heard already but, it is Newt Gingrich.

Like his name implies, he is a little repitilian creature with no morals and and, at one time, tried to solidify the definition of christian adultery while supporting the impeachment of a sitting President. Campaign staffers, girlfriends and ex-wives have all came forward with a myriad of charges concerning the morals and values of this little insignificant worm. He would be a good candidate for the republicans in 2008, though, he defines the republicans to a tee. For example: Gingrich dodged military service using school and family deferments which, is the highlight of almost all republican politicians. In other words, don't practice what you preach.

On family values he is not the 'compassionate conservative', a term that is abused with utter hypocrisy by the republicans. While his wife, Jackie, was recovering from cancer surgery she had to sue Gingrich, in order, to keep the utilities from being shut off. All this, of course, after pressing her for details of their impending divorce while she lay in a hospital bed recovering from surgery.

Yes, Newt would be a wonderful candidate for the republicans. He defines them well. He is an absolute chickenhawk, an expert in military affairs without all that bothersome experience. He has morals, morals such as, get as much as you can from anyone you can but, she has to meet certain aesthetic criteria, in order, to be a President's wife. And one of the values he possesses that is the most amusing is: He can smoke reefer but, he will support legislation to put us in jail.

You gotta love those conservative republican values. (cough, cough)

Newt's Skeleton Closet
Newt's Ethics Trouble

Friday, January 07, 2005


"Iraqi trade union leader Hadi Salih, International Secretary of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions, was tortured and killed in his home in Baghdad Tuesday night."

This crime is being placed on remnants of Saddam Hussein's secret police but, I have no doubt in my mind that there is a Bush Crime Family link here. The aggression against organized labor and workers by this regime only heightens my suspicions. I cannot provide proof of this link but, I will, until the day I die, always attribute this murder to the selected thugs currently squatting in the White House and Pentagon.
Earlier this year, the Bush Crime Family was behind the insertion of an amendment to the Iraqi Constitution outlawing trade unions in Iraq. For information on this go here and I will not post the specific article, so that, whoever is interested can sort through the numerous and informative articles of what agenda the Bush Crime Family is pushing to keep working people from organizing including, numerous acts of torture and murder. One could assume it is the fascist thing to do.

By Doug Ireland, ILCA Associate Member

Iraqi trade union leader Hadi Salih, International Secretary of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions, was tortured and killed in his home in Baghdad Tuesday night--but a Nexis search reveals not a word has yet appeared in the U.S. Press.
"According to a report today from the IFTU, Salih was severely tortured before being put to death. Evidence of torture was visible on his head and body. His hands and legs had been tied. He was blindfolded, then strangled with electrical wire. Iraqi trade union sources believe that the atrocity was carried out by remnants of Saddam Hussein’s secret police, the Mukharabat," said the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions in a statement.

On a visit to Europe last year, Salih "outlined the problems facing Iraqi trade unionists including lack of funds, the continued implementation of anti-union laws brought in by the Ba’athist dictatorship and attacks from US forces on IFTU offices."
Story Here>>>

David N. Seigel, President and CEO US Airways Group

When a corporation files for bankruptcy, the foremost point in assessing the corporations financial status should be the evaluation of the CEO's compensation plan.
Before employees of a corporation benefits are axed, the CEO compensation structure should be the first source of financial relief.
The US Airways Group President and CEO, David N. Siegel was compensated nearly $9 million in fiscal year 2003. His compensation package provides for some financial relief and, should be cut and the money doled out to creditors. The current method it seems places all of the responsibility on the lower tiered workers, however.
How many workers could be supported by Siegel's pay package? This may surprise you:

8 Nobel prize winners
26 average university presidents
22 U.S. presidents
39 AFL-CIO presidents
83 Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
352 average workers
839 minimum-wage earners

All of these workers could be paid for one year at Siegel's rate of pay!!

What is more surprising is how long it would take these workers to earn in a lifetime the compensation of Siegel's annual income.

A Nobel prize winner would have to work until 2011 A.D.
An average university president would have to work until 2029 A.D.
The President of the United States would have to work until 2025 A.D.
AFL-CIO President John Sweeney would have to work until 2042 A.D.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would have to work until 2086 A.D.
An average worker would have to work until 2355 A.D.
A minimum-wage earner would have to work until 2842 A.D.

How Many Years to Equal David N. Siegel's 2003 Compensation?

Minimum-Wage Worker 839 years Completion Date 2842 A.D.
Average Worker 352 years Completion Date 2355 A.D.
President of the U.S.A. 44 years Completion Date 2047 A.D.

What leads to gross negligence and waste is the very compensation that is not observed.
We must reform bankruptcy laws now, in order, to protect what we, as workers, have earned so far and what, our retirees are losing everyday.

US court lets US Airways void labor contract, drop pensions

In another dangerous move, a bankruptcy judge has voided a labor contract and dropped the pension plan for USAirways. This is another dangerous precedent being backed by the Bush Crime Family in their all out war on working people. I call on all these employees and their supporters to leave their jobs and show USAirways what financial troubles actually are when they have no one present to perform their operations.
Another way to look at labor costs, is to look at David Seigel's, CEO of US Airways Group, compensation package. In 2003, David N. Siegel raked in $8,996,026 in total compensation including stock option grants from US Airways Group.
Overcompensated CEOs is a good place to start when a company files for bankruptcy and this is an example of why a reform of bankruptcy laws is necessary.
Until the selected regime, squatting in the White House, addresses these problems, which they won't, nothing is going to solve this crisis and workers will continue to carry the blame and burden for corporate failure.

More info can be found here>>>> And the story about US Airways is here>>>.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The GOP Flip-Flops Again.

In November the GOP Ethics Committee entertained the idea of changing ethics rules to keep Tom DeLay, a top member of the Bush Crime Family, in his position, even if, he was indicted by a Texas grand jury.
So, they made a rule and allowed the criminal, DeLay to maintain his position as Majority Leader. What the hell?? They are all crooks anyway so, why not make the rule?
Last night, though, they decided to reinstate the rule. The offer was given by DeLay as a way to keep the democrats off guard, probably, and to get the spotlight off of himself.
So, the designers of flip-flops have, once again, flip-flopped on themselves.

House GOP Reverses Course on Ethics Rules

House GOP Reverses Course on Ethics Rules, Retaining Tough Standards and Reinstating Party Rule
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON Jan 3, 2005 — House Republicans suddenly reversed course Monday, deciding to retain a tough standard for lawmaker discipline and reinstate a rule that would force Majority Leader Tom DeLay to step aside if indicted by a Texas grand jury. More>>>

Are Workers Going to Relive the Past?

Everyday in America, workers are losing benefits, pensions, rights and working conditions at the hands of the Bush regime-supported corporations. The attack on workers is beginning to pick up steam and, we as workers must enlist other valuable resources, such as, our own time and money to meet with any credible resistance.

Early in the labor struggles workers fought for such things as, independence from company housing and company stores and, for fair wages that were sometimes only $1 per day. Now, we are fighting to keep the benefits we have acquired over the last 125 years against a huge and powerful resistance from global corporations that are treated, as if, they are individuals by the money-grubbing, execrable elitists commonly found in the right-wing of American political structure.

Eventually, when the elite have created another feudal society, we will once again see a surge in union organization and the conflict that comes with the working class demanding a fair system. Like the Battle of Matewan, the deadliest gunfight in American history, workers will rise to the injustices brought about by corporate and political thugs but, with a more deadly outcome that comes with progression and technology.

The raping and pillaging of pension trust funds, healthcare benefits and working conditions by these global corporate montrosities will only further the infliction of abuse, by greed, upon the psyche of the working person, worldwide, and will result in a conflict of incalculable proportion.

The Social Security Crisis Myth

Much of what is said and portrayed in the right-wing media these days is the crisis that the Social Security fund is in. Predictions made in the late 1990's were far exceeded and the fund grew. And the future predictions, albeit conservative, show a stable fund for, at least, the next 50 years.
So, what is the problem?? The Bush tax cut swindle is the problem. Rolling back this scam legislation would mean the Social Security fund would be healthy and viable indefinitely.
Don't listen to the spin from the right...for they know not what they are saying. All the regime is looking at is, another fund that can be raided like a cookie jar.

What Social Security 'Crisis'?

by Robert Kuttner

President Bush's entire plan for Social Security privatization rests on the premise that the system is in severe crisis. But a careful look at the numbers suggests that the financial crisis is largely a myth. More>>>

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy New Year!!

I've been away for a few days and I will get caught up in the next day or so.

I hope you all had a happy holiday season!!

The Psychosis of Coward George

“The Jungian analysis by Paul Levy, of Bush and the culture which maintains him, reaches deep into the American psyche. It should be studied and digested by everyone. If the citizenry would recognize that Bush's egomania is acting out a national illness, we would all be saner. If the US could integrate the "shadow" which Bush projects upon "the axis of evil," perhaps we could achieve world peace and start to solve global problem. A MUST READ.”

This is a very interesting read.