The Evil That Is Israel
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Welcome to Liberal Patriots, a blog for liberal working people, union people and people who are concerned with the policies and corruption of the Bush terror regime.
Colorado shines again!! The republiscum's whore, Mann Coulter, shows up to raise money for "BothWays" Bob Beauprez and not a dime is raised. People in Colorado are showing an intolerance to scum of all stripes....just so happens that Beauprez and Coulter have a yellow stripe that no one likes.
Israel, with it's ally the Bush Crime Family, escalated it's terror campaign onto the Lebanese people. I guess the Palestinians were getting boring.
Why aren't Americans howling about this? Could it be that those who are uninformed are satisfied with their Faux News?? Check this out on the SirotaBlog or over at Working for Change.
Another day....more lies from America's domestic enemy.
Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) has been a miserable mistake for Colorado and I am still kicking myself in the ass for supporting him.
Anyone who supports the scum are idiots in the first place and, here is another example of what these criminals will do to violate law. Senator Kyl (Scum-AZ) and Senator Graham (Scum-SC) have shown that the rights of individuals mean nothing to America's domestic enemy, the scum republicans, and will lie to the Supreme Court to get their agenda passed.
True Democrats, the grassroot Democrats of Conneticut must support Ned Lamont for the US Senate against the Democratic disgrace named Joe Lieberman.
The scum of the right are going to be spewing the message of reform in an effort to attract votes. This ploy will fail as more and more true Americans are figuring out that the message of reform is shallow rhetoric of the right-wing scum and is based on desperation of a failing political party.
It's been a wild ride in America and around the world this last year.