Wipe Out Disease with the Stroke of a Pen
Over at Resist Oppression is a sad story of anti-worker legislation. This type of legislation is even more threatening today as, corporate criminals and lobbyists continue to take over America. The issue is Black Lung disease and the plight of Kentucky coal miners....check it out.
It's a shame people have to suffer at the hands of corporate greed.
No links to right-wing sites, John.
Comments can't be edited...if you allowed commenting on your blog you would know that.
Hey Progressive, I am going to post Wedge Issues for Progressive two soon, just thought that I would let you know.
Oh yes, the infamous John, spreading hate like no other. You should have left his poem up Progressive so he could show the world what a big imbecile he really is.
Now about Black Lung. This has happened in Southwestern Pennsylvania, but I am not sure if people received compensation for it.
I think it is rather sad that many state legislators have the audacity to deny them benefits after they worked so hard for so long and for such low wages.
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Hi Samantha,
I can't wait for your wedge issue posts!!!
The Black Lung issue is bad and now we have the asbestos issue, also.
God forbid you get sick in this fascist country.
You can repost your poem, John, without the derogatory introduction.
C'mon John, lessee the poem sans potty words...
Unjust censorship?? If you were to talk like that in front of my daighter, I would knock you teeth down your throat. You don't need to be calling people names and then want them to respect you.
Censorship...you mean like the libraries in Mississippi that are under attack by so-called christian wing-nuts?? Or a regime that censors dissenting voices like the republiscum do?
That's it John. Don't post here anymore. It saves me time deleting all your posts.
Experience life under the bush crime family.
Lib, I find it hard to believe that he needed to be removed that many times. He must have cleaned it up by now. John, Post it on my site if you want.
Cleaned what up?? The poem didn't need cleaned up....his rhetorical attitude did. Adios to him.
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