A Father's View on Womens' Right to Choose.
I, personally, try to avoid the debate on abortion rights but now, I think it is necessary that I chime in this one time to give my perspective. I have always been a pro-choice proponent but, there was a time in my life I had to fight against it. I felt it was my right and obligation to do so. Afterall, I am the father.
I am a father. A single father. My daughter is 8 years-old and she is the apple of my eye. Nothing in the universe is more important to me than my daughter. This is the basis of my life; raising my daughter in a liberal atmosphere, with liberal trust and liberal values. Strict routine is important, too. My adamant approach to a superior education is one of my top priorities.
The time with my daughter's mother was a rocky one, I admit. When she became pregnant I felt an urgency to smooth things over to make this time in her life easier. It didn't work. I worked too much, was away from home too much, etc., etc.. At about the sixth month of pregnancy my daughter's mother informed me of her intent to abort. I would have none of it.
At six months I felt that too much time had elapsed and that my rights as a father should be intact afterall, this was not a six day-old fetus. I hired a lawyer and immediately obtained an injunction to keep mother from obtaining an abortion. Little did I know, my daughter would be born 6 weeks premature but, not until after I had created a significant legal wave in the fathers rights movement. Although I didn't set a precedent I did, however, impress upon a district court judge that fathers have rights also at some time in a pregnancy if he so desires. The judge thanked me for the insight I had on this subject and promised to take any matters concerning fathers into a broader legal realm.
So, what is my point? I read an opinion piece by a pro-choice mother that inspired me to brainstorm my opinion. I agree with her opinion but, at some point in an unborn child's life I believe the rights of the father must be considered. Biology determines which of us are male and female and from the biological standpoint women carry the developing fetus. In my case, the abortion was being used as a threat and a way of causing me extreme psychological pain. I proved that. I also proved a revenge mentality of the mother that sealed the success of my case.
I will always be pro-choice but not pro-abortion. This ideology is common to most, if not all, of the free-thinkers on the left. I would never interfere with the right to choose but, I will defend my rights as a father. Afterall, can't I at some point during gestation claim an obligation to the unborn child? Afterall, I am half the reason it exists.
I am the father.